Our Center is taking steps to protect our patients and employees from COVID-19.
Our Medical Staff is composed of highly trained and experienced physicians.
Online Pre-Registration
We recommend you enter your medical history online as soon as your surgery has been scheduled.
Welcome to Hallandale Outpatient Surgical Center
We are committed to providing you with the very best surgical experience possible. Hallandale Outpatient Surgical Center is conveniently located at the South East corner of Broward County (serving patients from both Dade and Broward counties) and within minutes of Gulfstream Park, the Diplomat Resort and Country Club, area hospitals, and the Ft. Lauderdale and Miami International Airports.
The Surgery Center has 6,400 square feet of space with two operating suites and one procedure room equipped with the latest technology and patient amenities.
Please call us at (954) 458-1689 or 1-866-464-HOSC to arrange a visit.

Why choose HOSC?
- A state-of-the-art multispecialty ambulatory medical facility
- The most advanced technology and the latest minimally invasive techniques
- High-quality care in a friendly and stress-free setting
- Talented and experienced physicians
- Highly trained and professional staff
- Convenient location at the South East corner of Broward County and within minutes of Gulfstream Park, the Diplomat Resort and Country Club, area hospitals, and the Ft. Lauderdale and Miami International Airports